MISA - Projects





MISA Ontario, AMCTO, OMAA and AMO Launch of Electronic Council Meeting Guide and Resources for Municipalities

April 2020 - July 2020



In response physical distancing requirements as part of Ontario’s COVID-19 pandemic response, on March 19th, 2020 the Ontario Government made amendments to the Municipal Act (MA), 2001 in response to COVID-19. Bill 187: the Municipal Emergency Act allows municipalities to update the procedural bylaws for meetings of municipal councils, committees and local boards under sections 238 and 239 of the MA.

On July 21st, 2020, through Bill 197, the Ontario Government made further amendments to the MA to permanently allow quorum for electronic meetings outside of an emergency – a decision that was built on the successful implementation of electronic meetings by multiple municipalities and in response to advocacy efforts of various municipal stakeholders. 

These resources were developed in partnership with AMCTO, MISA Ontario, OMAA and AMO to help those needing it within the sector.  


MISA Ontario and OpenNorth Open Data Standards Pilot for Municipalities

February 2018 - June 2018

MISA Ontario and OpenNorth partnered together with the goal of establishing priority data set definitions and naming conventions to illustrate the value of standards and to assist in the adoption of those standards.